Linux - xeline tutorial
Install from binary
# Make sure unzip is installed
sudo apt-get install -y unzip
# Download the latest linux zip archive from:
# Unzip the downloaded zip archive
# Go into the directory containing the binary and launch it
cd Xeline-linux-x64
Install from source:
# Make sure curl and git are installed
sudo apt-get install -y curl git
# Install a recent version of nodejs first, if you haven't already.
#For Ubuntu/Debian is works like this
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Get the repository
git clone
# Or if you already have it, cd into the directory containing your xeline sources and update the code
cd xeline
git pull
# Now, go into the directory containing your xeline sources and install all dependencies
# (needs to be done only once)
cd xeline
npm install
# And finally, run the application
npm start
Video tutorial
Last updated