* Travelling Salesman Problem - Demo 1
* Name: TSP_ATT48_BF
* Desc: 48 Captitals of the US
* Diminsions: 48
* Weight Type: ATT - Pseudo-Euclidean distance
* Algorithm: Brute Force
* Memory Map:
* Round Number: m[ 10]
* Random Input: m[ 0]
* Cost Matrix Vars: u[ 20] - u[ 23]
* X Dist & Y Dist: i[ 0] - i[ 1]
* Distance Point A to B f[ 0]
* Algorithm Variables: u[ 30] - u[ 34]
* Calculated Distance: u[ 40]
* Loop Counters: u[ 90] - u[ 91]
* Point Data: u[100] - u[195]
* Path Data: u[200] - u[248]
* Cost Matrix: u[300] - u[2602]
array_int 2;
array_uint 2700;
array_float 1;
submit_sz 49;
submit_idx 200;
// Initialize VM Memory With TSP Point Data
function init_point_data {
// Each TSP Point Has An X & Y Value
// For Example, Point 1 Has X = u[100] & Y = u[101]
u[100] = 6734;
u[101] = 1453;
u[102] = 2233;
u[103] = 10;
u[104] = 5530;
u[105] = 1424;
u[106] = 401;
u[107] = 841;
u[108] = 3082;
u[109] = 1644;
u[110] = 7608;
u[111] = 4458;
u[112] = 7573;
u[113] = 3716;
u[114] = 7265;
u[115] = 1268;
u[116] = 6898;
u[117] = 1885;
u[118] = 1112;
u[119] = 2049;
u[120] = 5468;
u[121] = 2606;
u[122] = 5989;
u[123] = 2873;
u[124] = 4706;
u[125] = 2674;
u[126] = 4612;
u[127] = 2035;
u[128] = 6347;
u[129] = 2683;
u[130] = 6107;
u[131] = 669;
u[132] = 7611;
u[133] = 5184;
u[134] = 7462;
u[135] = 3590;
u[136] = 7732;
u[137] = 4723;
u[138] = 5900;
u[139] = 3561;
u[140] = 4483;
u[141] = 3369;
u[142] = 6101;
u[143] = 1110;
u[144] = 5199;
u[145] = 2182;
u[146] = 1633;
u[147] = 2809;
u[148] = 4307;
u[149] = 2322;
u[150] = 675;
u[151] = 1006;
u[152] = 7555;
u[153] = 4819;
u[154] = 7541;
u[155] = 3981;
u[156] = 3177;
u[157] = 756;
u[158] = 7352;
u[159] = 4506;
u[160] = 7545;
u[161] = 2801;
u[162] = 3245;
u[163] = 3305;
u[164] = 6426;
u[165] = 3173;
u[166] = 4608;
u[167] = 1198;
u[168] = 23;
u[169] = 2216;
u[170] = 7248;
u[171] = 3779;
u[172] = 7762;
u[173] = 4595;
u[174] = 7392;
u[175] = 2244;
u[176] = 3484;
u[177] = 2829;
u[178] = 6271;
u[179] = 2135;
u[180] = 4985;
u[181] = 140;
u[182] = 1916;
u[183] = 1569;
u[184] = 7280;
u[185] = 4899;
u[186] = 7509;
u[187] = 3239;
u[188] = 10;
u[189] = 2676;
u[190] = 6807;
u[191] = 2993;
u[192] = 5185;
u[193] = 3258;
u[194] = 3023;
u[195] = 1942;
// Create TSP Cost Matrix
// This Creates A 48x48 Matrix With The Cost (Distance) Between Each Point
function create_cost_matrix {
u[20] = 100; // Index of x[i] - Point A (Start At Point 0)
u[21] = 100; // Index of y[i] - Point B (Start At Point 0)
u[22] = 300; // Index of dij - Cost Matrix Element
u[23] = 0; // tij - Rounded Distance Between A & B
i[0] = 0; // xd - X Distance
i[1] = 0; // yd - Y Distance
f[0] = 0; // rij - Pseudo-Euclidean Distance Between A & B
// Outer Loop - Point A = 0 to 48
// u[90] is the loop counter
// 48 is # of iterations
// 48 is # of iterations for WCET Calc
repeat(u[90], 48, 48) {
// Inner Loop - Point B = 0 to 48
// u[91] is the loop counter
repeat(u[91], 48, 48) {
// When Point A = Point B, Distance = 0
if(u[21] == u[20]) {
u[21] += 2; // Move To Next Point B
u[u[22]] = 0; // Distance To Self Is Zero
u[22]++; // Move To Next Matrix Element
// Calculate Distance From Point A To Point B
i[0] = u[u[21]] - u[u[20]]; // xd
i[1] = u[u[21] + 1] - u[u[20] + 1]; // yd
f[0] = sqrt(((i[0]*i[0]) + (i[1]*i[1])) / 10.0); // rij
u[23] = (f[0] + 0.5); // tij - equivalent of nint function
if (u[23] < f[0])
u[u[22]] = u[23] + 1; // dij
u[u[22]] = u[23]; // dij
u[21] += 2; // Move To Next Point B
u[22]++; // Move To Next Matrix Element
u[20] += 2; // Increment Point A
u[21] = 100; // Reset Point B
function main {
// Initialize The Path ( Points 0 To 48 In Sequential Order)
// Path Variables Start At u[200]
// u[90] is the loop counter
repeat(u[90], 48, 48) {
u[200 + u[90]] = u[90];
// Randomize The Path
u[200] = 0; // Start At Point Zero
u[248] = 0; // End At Point Zero
u[30] = 47; // Path Array Offset - Start At Final Point In Path
repeat(u[90], 47, 47) {
u[31] = (abs(m[0]) % u[30]) + 1; // Use m[0] to create a random number between 0 and 47
u[32] = u[200 + u[31]]; // Index of first point in path to swap
u[200 + u[31]] = u[200 + u[30]]; // Index of second point in path to swap
u[200 + u[30]] = u[32]; // Swap points
u[30]--; // Move to next point in path
// Brute Force Logic
u[40] = 0; // Total Distance
repeat(u[90], 48, 48) {
u[33] = u[200 + u[90]]; // Cost Matrix Row
u[34] = u[200 + u[90] + 1]; // Cost Matrix Column
u[40] += u[(300 + (u[33] * 48) + u[34])]; // Lookup Point A to Point B distance in Cost Matrix and add to total distance
// Bounty Is Rewarded When Total Distance < 11,000
verify_bty (u[40] < 11000);
// POW Is Rewarded When The MD5 Hash Of Summed Path Is Less Than Target
u[50] = u[200] + u[201] + u[202] + u[203] + u[204] + u[205] + u[206] + u[207] + u[208] + u[209] + u[210] + u[211];
u[51] = u[212] + u[213] + u[214] + u[215] + u[216] + u[217] + u[218] + u[219] + u[220] + u[221] + u[222] + u[223];
u[52] = u[224] + u[225] + u[226] + u[227] + u[228] + u[229] + u[230] + u[231] + u[232] + u[233] + u[234] + u[235];
u[53] = u[236] + u[237] + u[238] + u[239] + u[240] + u[241] + u[242] + u[243] + u[244] + u[245] + u[246] + u[247];
verify_pow (u[50], u[51], u[52], u[53]);
// In this example, the miner submits the solution (Path that meets Bounty or POW criteria)
// Therefore, there is no need for the randomization logic in the verify function.
// u[200]-u[248] is updates with the submitted path and the solution is validated by the node.
function verify {
// No need to create a cost matrix for the verify function
// As we only need the distances for the submitted path
// Total Distance
u[40] = 0;
// Loop through submited path to calculate total distance
repeat(u[90], 48, 48) {
u[20] = u[200 + u[90]]; // Set Point A
u[21] = u[201 + u[90]]; // Set Point B
// Calculate Distance From Point A To Point B
i[0] = u[100 + (u[21] * 2)] - u[100 + (u[20] * 2)]; // xd
i[1] = u[101 + (u[21] * 2)] - u[101 + (u[20] * 2)]; // yd
f[0] = sqrt(((i[0]*i[0]) + (i[1]*i[1])) / 10.0); // rij
u[23] = (f[0] + 0.5); // tij - equivalent of nint function
if (u[23] < f[0])
u[40] += u[23] + 1; // dij
u[40] += u[23]; // dij
// Bounty Is Rewarded When Total Distance < 11,000
verify_bty (u[40] < 11000);
// POW Is Rewarded When The MD5 Hash Of Summed Path Is Less Than Target
u[50] = u[200] + u[201] + u[202] + u[203] + u[204] + u[205] + u[206] + u[207] + u[208] + u[209] + u[210] + u[211];
u[51] = u[212] + u[213] + u[214] + u[215] + u[216] + u[217] + u[218] + u[219] + u[220] + u[221] + u[222] + u[223];
u[52] = u[224] + u[225] + u[226] + u[227] + u[228] + u[229] + u[230] + u[231] + u[232] + u[233] + u[234] + u[235];
u[53] = u[236] + u[237] + u[238] + u[239] + u[240] + u[241] + u[242] + u[243] + u[244] + u[245] + u[246] + u[247];
verify_pow (u[50], u[51], u[52], u[53]);
Last updated